The Dialog Flow component allows the developer to implement branching conversations, of the form common to visual novels and RPGs, using a simple text-based script. Authors write the dialog much in the form of a film script, which Dialog Flow converts into a sequence of actions. Conversations can be linear or branching, can provide choices and set variables, and can invoke customized actions within the scene.

The Dialog Flow component is responsible for running a conversation sequence, and for matching commands in the Script file to actions in the scene. It can be controlled with the Control Dialog action.

See the full Dialog Flow Script reference for details on authoring Dialog Flow Scripts.

Dialog Text

The text file that contains the Dialog Flow Script associated with this sequence.

Target Text Box

The text box to use when displaying dialog text.

Action Library

The game object with the Action Library used by this script. Commands in the Dialog Flow Script will be matched with named actions in this library.


Displays the number of individual text blocks in this Script.

Choice Text

A list of text box game objects to use when displaying multiple choice branching questions. The order that the choices appear in the Script file will be matched to this list. For example, if the Script has blocks with three choices, you should indicate three text boxes here, one for each choice.

Choice Object

A list of game objects to be enabled with each choice. Generally this is the same as the text box object listed in Choice Text, or its parent object. Choice Objects are enabled when a choice is displayed and disabled when the choice is hidden. For example, each choice might be composed of several game objects to look like a clickable button with the Choice Text inside. In this case the parent of each button should be indicated in the Choice Object list so that the entire button can be enabled and disabled by the Dialog Flow component when necessary.